
Showing posts from July, 2011

Outreach on the Streets of Tokyo

Last week we spent every day, Monday to Friday, going out into the streets of Tokyo with the aim of meeting people and sharing God's love with them. And I had to somehow lead this time! Scary! Well, it would have been scary if it were me actually leading. It was God. Thankfully so! The students under my charge did an amazing job at worshipping God every morning and listening to him in order to follow him each day! We spent time every morning to thank God for who he is and what he had done then gave him all of our ideas of evangelism and all of our worries and fears. I split everyone up into small groups and each group listened to God and decided on what they felt he was saying. We had people go to Shinjuku, Harajuku, Yoyogi Park, Shibuya, Meguro, Musashi-Kosugi, Ebisu and even Yokohama among other places I can't think of right now! We met lots of homeless people, prayed for them and gave them food and drink. We also met random people on trains and parks and the street and

Not For Sale: Re-abolishing slavery

Last Friday, YWAM Tokyo (me included) had a lovely dinner with one of the co-founders of Not For Sale, along with the newly formed Not For Sale Japan team. "NOT FOR SALE EQUIPS AND MOBILIZES SMART ACTIVISTS TO DEPLOY INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO RE-ABOLISH SLAVERY IN THEIR OWN BACKYARDS AND ACROSS THE GLOBE. TOGETHER, WE CAN END SLAVERY IN OUR LIFETIME." That is a quote from the About page on their website. Powerful stuff! They are a super fast growing movement all over the world that enables people to get involved in abolishing modern slavery, which includes human trafficking. We had a really good talk with them about how we can get involved here in Tokyo. Tokyo in a hub for human trafficking and it's disturbing to realise that not many people know it's going on! But God knows. And he's going to raise up people to set the captives free! After the dinner on Friday, Not For Sale held an event at Tokyo Baptist Church where they gave a presentation on who they are, w