Who is God?

I've been thinking a lot this week about who God is, so I just thought I would write down a few of my notes in case other people ever think about this stuff too!

I guess I've been thinking about who God is because after these few crazy weeks of meeting new people and doing new things, I have finally been able to talk to God more and read the Bible. I've felt closer to Him this week, which is great!

When one actually stops for a moment and thinks about the fact God listens to us, talks to us, leads us and walks with us, mere humans, it is truly mind blowing stuff!

It's just so crazy to think that I can talk to the Almighty Yahweh, the God who created the whole Universe and all life and did a load of awesomely powerful stuff that is recorded in the Old Testament in the Bible. And more than that, I can call Him Father!

When I think of all that He can do, it's quite terrifying. He gives life, and can take it away. He could crush me back to dust if He wanted to! And sometimes I feel that He should - because of the stupid things I know I do wrong but do them anyway.

But you know what, this is where His true character, His personality shows itself. This is why I want to tell people about God. This is why I give my life to Him:

He forgives me because He loves me.

Ponder on that for a moment. Whenever I do something that I know God doesn't like, which is on a daily basis I'm disappointed to say, I say sorry to my Father truly disgusted with myself but instantly I have a real feeling that He forgives me because He loves me, very much.

And this really is true for us all. How do we know God loves us? Because He sent His much loved Son, Jesus Christ, to live as one of us, only to be ridiculed and nailed to some wood where he died a humiliating and painful death. He died for you, me, everybody. God loves us that much.

Knowing this truth should give us a real peace. It should take away all worry, knowing the Almighty God of the Universe loves us and is caring for us. And even though we do bad things often, we should keep in mind that we are forgiven, only by the grace of the One who sent His Son to die for us.

So who is God? God is love - a love you cannot even begin to comprehend. So whoever you are, wherever you are in your life, live with both peace and grace, and don't let anyone or anything convince you of anything to the contrary.


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