The Land of the Rising Son

Most people who know me, know that I love Japan. I love the culture, the history, the music, the food, the technology, the introvertedness, the people. And probably much more.

When I tell people I feel God wants me to go to Japan and be used by Him over there, I get a variety of looks from people. I live in England. A "look" is where I find all my answers. Anyway, for some people I can tell that they are thinking along the lines of "Why go there? They are an advanced country. We need more people to go to Africa and the like!" Put that outlook with my interests in Japan and you could also come to the conclusion that I want an easy life! (If you could imagine such a thing!) I want to go over there for a long holiday!

Though it's true that I would love to go to Japan and have wanted to for a long time, and when I get there I am going to love it and enjoy seeing all these new wonderful things, I'm sure it will hit me all too quickly the reason why I am there...

Most people who know me will also know that I believe in God. More than that, I follow Jesus Christ. More than THAT, I want to give my life to him, just as he done for us all! I believe with my whole being that he is the rightful ruler of the Universe, and I submit to him and love him. More than ANYTHING. He will show himself to be our King in not too many years from now, and it will be truely spectacular and awesome. And scary. You will be shocked. He is calling people to serve him right now on this planet, in order that we can serve and rule the Universe with him in the ages to come.

And who deserves this? Nobody. Not me, not you, not anyone. But it's his choice to call us, because he loves us more than we can ever know. And I simply don't understand why!

Japan has a population of around 127.5 million people. People who have heard enough to believe in God make up around 1% of the population. So, around 99% of 127.5 MILLION people do not know the love of Jesus Christ.

Families are being torn apart by hopeless relationships and lack of free time. Teenagers lock themselves away in their rooms for years because they feel people don't care enough to listen to their thoughts, feelings, ideas and dreams. Japan has one of the highest rates of suicides in the world.

They are a people who love the world around them. But they do not know how to connect with it's creator. Their creator. He loves them dearly, but they don't know it! If only they did!

I feel God wants me to go there. I don't have a clue what I am good at. I don't have a clue what my gifts are. Or my passions. I am a quiet person and I am scared that people will hate me. People will ignore me. I don't even know the language! But I know God will be there with me. That's all I need.

If you are called by God to live for Him, take a few steps in the dark. Don't pay too much attention to what others are saying. Listen to Him and obey. Live everyday like it's your last in this age - it could well be! When you wake everyday, thank Him for the new day. It's a gift! Then ask Him to guide your steps. What are you living for? Who are you living for?

See you around (^_^)


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