Japan 2

I am around halfway through my time in Japan! Just three weeks to go! Time is going so quickly!!

Sorry I haven't been updating you as much as I'd like! I guess it's a good thing that I have been busy though as that's why I am here!

So what have I been up to over the past week? I guess the biggest task that the missionaries here are doing at the moment is getting a new church building ready to be opened in November. They have transformed a really old, filthy place that was full of all sorts of rubbish and animals etc as well as black walls (black with dirt), into a nice little church with kitchen area, as well as a house next door (which needs a lot of work) and an area for car parking. The past few weeks I have been helping with cutting grass and tidying up the car parking area in order to lay it all with gravel so cars can actually use it! I think it's pretty much ready for that now! I have also been cutting and moving large amounts (seriously LARGE AMOUNTS) of wood into a storage shed ready for when the snow comes in November. And yesterday we completely cleaned up a storage area that was filled with rubbish, reeeeally old Japanese farming tools, lots of dust, rat poo and rat nests. Was hard work but felt good to get it done! Overall, the place is looking a lot better than even when I came a few weeks ago! Ready for when God calls lots of people to worship him in this place! That's the hope anyway!

I have also been researching ways to create a new website for the churches that can be easily updated as well as being in English and Japanese. And have an online ordering system for the little book store that is connected with this church. Not sure how much I can do in this short time I'm here, but we'll see!

Oh and I've also been blackberry picking which was fun! So many blackberries! Taste so good too! The area looks so beautiful. Fields with blackberries, apples and rice with a huuuuuuge mountain in the background. It's like right out of a movie!

Thank you for all the prayers! Working for God in a spiritually dark place such as this is like looking for trouble in regards to Satan's ancient and powerful kingdom in this country. Without the prayers, I am certain things wouldn't be going so well, so thank you!

I am looking forward to sharing about my experience in person soon! (though I am not looking forward to going back to university, it must be said!)

PS - Squat toilet below ^_^


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