Countries Needing Prayer: Least Developed Countries
These are the least developed countries in the world. There are many many more, but I just wanted to focus on the ten worst. This is taking into consideration life expectancy, education and standard of living of the people living in these countries. The countries below have people living without the luxuries that we have become used to and take for granted. Even necessities like clean water and food are hard to come by. These people tend to die at a very young age. Generally, they cannot read or write. They live in unhealthy or even unsafe conditions. The majority of the poorest nations in the world are located in Africa. People tend to be happy with little, which is humbling because our nations are unhappy with everything. Please pray that these nations become safer places to live, especially for young children, that people will have food, water, shelter and most importantly: love. Also pray that God reveals himself in a massive way, especially in the Islamic countries.
- Niger: Mainly Islam
- Afghanistan: Mainly Islam
- Sierra Leone: Mainly Islam
- Central African Republic: Mainly Christian
- Mali: Mainly Islam
- Burkina Faso: Mainly Animism
- The Congo: Mainly Christian
- Chad: Mainly Islam
- Burundi: Mainly Christian
- Guinea-Bissau: Mainly Islam
Based on the 2009 United Nation's Development Program's Human Development Report