Not For Sale: Re-abolishing slavery
Last Friday, YWAM Tokyo (me included) had a lovely dinner with one of the co-founders of Not For Sale, along with the newly formed Not For Sale Japan team.
We had a really good talk with them about how we can get involved here in Tokyo. Tokyo in a hub for human trafficking and it's disturbing to realise that not many people know it's going on! But God knows. And he's going to raise up people to set the captives free!
After the dinner on Friday, Not For Sale held an event at Tokyo Baptist Church where they gave a presentation on who they are, what they do and how we can get involved. It was really exciting stuff! It's time to stop talking about it and actually do something about abolishing slavery once and for all.
On Saturday, anyone that was interested in getting involved were invited to a meeting at The Body Shop in Shinjuku. I went along and it turned out I was the only guy, not including the co-founder who is also a guy! Anyway, it was really amazing to hear the passion that The Body Shop has for ending human trafficking and also it was great to see different organisations coming together for the same cause.
I really feel that God wants me to be more involved in human trafficking and will hopefully be more involved with what Not For Sale are doing as they establish themselves in Tokyo. I will also be working with others for YWAM Tokyo as we really want to do all we can to be Jesus for those in slavery.
I'll keep you up to date with what happens!
For more information on what Not For Sale does, please visit
"NOT FOR SALE EQUIPS AND MOBILIZES SMART ACTIVISTS TO DEPLOY INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO RE-ABOLISH SLAVERY IN THEIR OWN BACKYARDS AND ACROSS THE GLOBE. TOGETHER, WE CAN END SLAVERY IN OUR LIFETIME."That is a quote from the About page on their website. Powerful stuff! They are a super fast growing movement all over the world that enables people to get involved in abolishing modern slavery, which includes human trafficking.
We had a really good talk with them about how we can get involved here in Tokyo. Tokyo in a hub for human trafficking and it's disturbing to realise that not many people know it's going on! But God knows. And he's going to raise up people to set the captives free!
After the dinner on Friday, Not For Sale held an event at Tokyo Baptist Church where they gave a presentation on who they are, what they do and how we can get involved. It was really exciting stuff! It's time to stop talking about it and actually do something about abolishing slavery once and for all.
On Saturday, anyone that was interested in getting involved were invited to a meeting at The Body Shop in Shinjuku. I went along and it turned out I was the only guy, not including the co-founder who is also a guy! Anyway, it was really amazing to hear the passion that The Body Shop has for ending human trafficking and also it was great to see different organisations coming together for the same cause.
I really feel that God wants me to be more involved in human trafficking and will hopefully be more involved with what Not For Sale are doing as they establish themselves in Tokyo. I will also be working with others for YWAM Tokyo as we really want to do all we can to be Jesus for those in slavery.
I'll keep you up to date with what happens!
For more information on what Not For Sale does, please visit