Goodbye England! いってきます!
We just wanted to send a quick note to say we're leaving England in a few days! We had such a wonderful time being encouraged and refreshed seeing friends and family! We are so thankful we got to see many of you and to catch up with what has been going on in friends' lives. If we didn't get around to seeing you, we hope to see you when we get back!
God is always so faithful. After a few minor hiccups, we received our visas on time! Praise God! We will be leaving from Manchester this Friday (the 20th) and arriving in Cape Town on Saturday. We still need to start packing! Anyway, the YWAM DTS (Discipleship Training School) starts on Monday (the 23rd) and the course will finish on the 28th of February. So we'll be there for just over 5 months.
So you have a better idea of what the DTS entails, it's a real mix of classroom-based learning and practical application. The first half of the DTS involves classroom lectures with topics such as who God is, hearing His voice, who we are, spiritual gifts, cross cultural missions, as well as practically sharing God's love with local people. The second half is focused on outreach. We will be travelling to other areas and applying what we learnt during the first half.
If you'd like to know more about the DTS, please visit
Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts! We couldn't be going to South Africa without you! Please let us know how we can be praying for you. As for specific things to pray about for us, we want to give thanks to Him for our England trip! Also, if you could be praying that God uses us in South Africa and speak to us about our next steps, that would be a huge blessing.
With love,
Gary & Naoko
日本は今年も、とても厳しい暑さだったと聞きました。その上今度は台風まで・・・ みなさまの体調が守られ、元気に過ごされていることを願います^^
「私はいつも、私の前に主をおいた。主が私の右におられるので、私はゆるぐことがない。」 詩編16:8
9月23日から2月28日にかけて、南アフリカのケープタウンにてYWAMの弟子訓練学校に参加します(詳細はこちら;。 私たちが心身ともに鍛えられ、さらには、今後の長期的なビジョンが示されるように、お祈りいただけたら嬉しいです^^