We're going back!

Dear friends & family,
It's been a while since our last update! We hope this finds you well. If you're wondering, the picture at the top is from Sefton Park in Liverpool. :) Anyway, a lot has happened over the past couple of months:
Licensed To Drive
Thanks to all your prayers, I now have a UK driving licence! I began taking lessons at the very beginning of April, and I passed the practical test first time on the 14th of May! I had a wonderful, patient instructor and though it was stressful being on the road at first, it wasn't too bad. Now that's taken care of, the plan is to transfer this licence into a Japanese one, which I should be able to do no problem. They do require I stay in the UK for at least three months though which is why we cannot go to Japan until the end of August...Back To Japan
During March, we attended an encouraging Japan conference organised by Japan Christian Link where we got to meet new people who have a heart for Japan. Naoko also got to share her testimony (pictured)! As the newsletter title says, we are indeed going back to Japan! After much prayer, conversation and heart-searching, we feel that Japan is where God wants us as full-time missionaries. More specifically, we have been accepted as YWAM Tokyostaff! As I worked with them for 2 and a half years, and we completed the training school in South Africa recently, this made the most sense and we feel total peace from God. Also, we just booked our flights! We'll be leaving from Bristol on 23 August and arriving in Tokyo the next day!Sunny Liverpool
As well as learning to drive, we have been getting stuck into work God is doing here in Dingle, Liverpool! Firstly, God has blessed us with a house to stay in which belongs to the church here which has been amazing! It has been wonderful to spend time with people from Gabbies, Cleos, Phillies and to reconnect with friends from the Toxteth Tab and even CYFA! Naoko has been helping out at Cleo's Cafe while I've been driving, we've been helping at 468 kid's club, I've done some weeding at men's work nights at Gabbies and we've been able to get stuck into setting up a Foodbank at Gabbies! It has been a joy to be involved in these ways and God has reminded us of the needs for inner-city mission in the UK. We should be around Liverpool for another month or so, so if we haven't met up with you, please get in touch!Prep Time
During the summer before we make the move to Japan, there are a few more things we'd like to do here in England. We really want to make it a priority to see and spend time with friends we have not yet been able to see, especially those of you down south! Particularly the wonderful family at Argyle church in Reading! And we also want to do our best communicating the needs of the Japanese people with as many people as we can. It's not just Naoko and I reaching the Japanese. Japan needs your prayers too. You are very much a part of the work we'll be doing over there! We also need to apply for my Spouse Visa for Japan, as well as raise some more monthly support. As there are 2 of us now, we'll need to double our support! Scary, but God does provide!Finally, I just wanted to mention that on the 25th of May, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary! We had a lovely time celebrating in beautiful Scotland! We cannot believe it's already been a year. But what a year it has been! Thank you so much for your encouragement, prayers and support. We have needed it!
That's all for now. Please don't hesitate to get in touch. We love to hear from you!
Gary & Naoko
- For Gary's driving licence!
- For guiding us to YWAM Tokyo!
- For giving us opportunity in Liverpool!
- That flights have been booked!
- A blessed first year of marriage!
- For Gary's spouse visa
- For more monthly financial support
- For guidance for the coming months in England
YWAM Tokyo
イギリスに戻って以来、日本での活動形態についてさらに祈ってきました。そんな中、3月末には日英で日本人伝道のために働く人たちのカンファレンス(Japan Christian Link)に参加したり、その後も様々な出会いや形を通して必要な答えが与えられ、神様の導きを実感できて感謝でした。JCLカンファレンスでは急きょ私が証をさせていただくことになり(写真)、自分の人生の中での神様の働きを振り返る恵みの機会となると同時に、参加者の多くの方々が励ましを受け取って下さったようで嬉しかったです。そして先日、宣教団体YWAM Tokyoに夫婦でフルタイムスタッフとして受け入れてもらうことが決まりました!(ギャリーが以前2年半にわたって活動していたことや、結婚してすぐにDTSに参加することになった経緯からして、まずはYWAMに所属することが自然に思われ、出願に踏み切りました。)信仰の先輩として敬愛する人たちが沢山いるYWAM Tokyoの一員として働けるなんて本当に光栄です。帰国後の導きのためにお祈り下さった皆さま、ありがとうございました。これからも引き続き、よろしくお願いいたいします!日本帰国
そして最近は、教会が運営しているカフェや子どもクラブでお手伝いしたり、地域の人々のための食料援助プログラムFood Bankのボランティア(写真)になったりと、色々な活動に参加するようになり、知り合いも増えてきました!^^

- ギャリーの運転免許取得
- 帰国後の導きが示されたこと
- イギリスでの生活が守られていること
- 素晴らしい結婚1年目に感謝!
- 残りのイギリスでの生活が用いられるように
- 日本帰国に向けての準備のために(経済的な備え、配偶者ビザ申請etc)