A New Home : Autumn 2014 Update
New Home
Firstly, thank you for praying that we find an apartment! God has been so faithful and has guided us to the apartment we are now typing this from! Everything went smoothly, and we were able to move in really quickly. It is a 2 bedroomed apartment with kitchen/dining area, is a 10 minute walk to the YWAM base and 15 minute walk to the train station - very convenient! Plus it was within our budget! It's so amazing to have a place to call our own for the first time since we got married. We’re settling in well and are gradually getting the things we need. We started with just our suitcases, so praise God for His faithfulness! Our new address is at the bottom of this newsletter.New Church
Along with finding an apartment, we were also praying about a church to attend. We really felt that God wanted us to go to a local Japanese church. We always passed by a small church while walking, so one Sunday we decided to attend the service to see what it was like. The people were very welcoming and even invited us to a young couple’s meeting after the service! It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know people and we felt very encouraged by them. As soon as they heard about us moving into an apartment, they even helped by giving us a few items of furniture! So we really felt God’s guidance to this church.Cornerstone Retreat
We were blessed with the opportunity to join a Cornerstone retreat this month. Cornerstone Tokyo was the church I (Gary) was involved with planting a few years ago. Even though we won’t be attending every week, we still care about this church very much and have many friends there. The retreat was a really great time of fellowship, prayer and worship. There were 2 baptisms, and an older Japanese man even professed faith in Jesus for the first time! Naoko was able to serve by translating as there were a mix of Japanese and non-Japanese people. It was amazing to see the growth of the church after being away!YWAM
We are now transitioning back into the YWAM Tokyo community. There are regular prayer and worship times scheduled as well as a leadership course where we are tasked with writing short sermons and picked at random to share in front of everyone. It’s been a challenging, yet great opportunity to grow in our teaching abilities.In terms of ministry, we are still praying that God will guide us to what He wants us to focus on. One ministry that we wanted to mention is that every Friday night, we have a time of worship on the streets of Ikebukuro, Tokyo. A powerful statement in a place where God is not usually worshipped! Japanese passers-by are regularly drawn to us and ask questions about what we're doing. YWAM has seen people come to know Jesus through this, and there’s even one Japanese man who became a Christian through it and now comes back every week and has conversations with others about his new faith!
Since being back, I have really wanted to make it a priority to learn the language. It's very frustrating to be in a place where I cannot communicate with people! For the first month, I went along to classes at YWAM. Because everyone is at a different level, I found it a bit difficult to learn. So this month, I will be doing self study. I will see at the end of the month which was more effective. It has been great to start learning this wonderful language again!Finances
Thank you so much for praying for our finances and for your generous giving! God has been providing for us and we are very thankful for all of the monthly support we receive. We could not be doing this without you! Over the past couple of months, we have received some more monthly support, as well as one-off donations. We feel very humbled! So thank you!Thank you for taking the time to read this update. As always, please pop us a message to say hi or ask any questions about what we’re up to!
Love and blessings,
Gary & Naoko
引越しが終わり、11日から12日にかけては出国前に通っていたCornerstone Tokyoのバイリンガル・リトリートに参加させていただきました(写真下)。今回はこの教会の母体であるCornerstone Seattleから牧師先生をはじめ13名の方々が来日してくださり、日本人参加者と共にキリストにおける自由と解放をテーマとした学びの時間をもちました。メッセージと祈りの通訳として私も夫と一緒に参加させていただきましたが、とても楽しいリフレッシュのひと時となっただけでなく、このような解放や癒しをテーマとした学びは多くの日本人クリスチャンが必要としているものだということを痛感する時間にもなりました。今後このような学びの場が多く起こされるよう祈っていきたいです(ヨハネによる福音書8:32)。