Tohoku Vision Trip May 2016

When first praying about starting a new YWAM Operating Location in the Tohoku region, we felt that God wanted us to pray for His heart for all of the largest cities in the 6 prefectures. Last year we went on our first vision trip to the lower three prefectures: Miyagi, Yamagata and Fukushima. So this time, the main focus for the trip would be to pray over the largest cities in Aomori, Iwate and Akita. As a secondary focus, we wanted to make some connections in Kamaishi, Iwate. This city will be a host for the 2019 Rugby World Cup, and we are interested in partnering with local churches for outreach during the games. The team consisted of Mosese from Fiji, Tom from England, myself, Ryan from the US and John from England. Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture 7 May During the planning of this trip, we were originally going to travel straight to the northern three prefectures, while driving around the edge of Sendai, but not going in. While praying, I felt that God was saying we sho...