A New Home : Autumn 2014 Update

Konnichiwa! This is our first update from Japan! We hope this finds you well. We wanted to update you on what we have been up to during our first months back. New Home Firstly, thank you for praying that we find an apartment! God has been so faithful and has guided us to the apartment we are now typing this from! Everything went smoothly, and we were able to move in really quickly. It is a 2 bedroomed apartment with kitchen/dining area, is a 10 minute walk to the YWAM base and 15 minute walk to the train station - very convenient! Plus it was within our budget! It's so amazing to have a place to call our own for the first time since we got married. We’re settling in well and are gradually getting the things we need. We started with just our suitcases, so praise God for His faithfulness! Our new address is at the bottom of this newsletter. New Church Along with finding an apartment, we were also praying about a church to attend. We really felt that God wanted us to...