Tohoku Vision Trip Report

We are back! Thanks to your support and prayers, we were able to go on our first vision trip to the least reached area of Japan. For those of you that have been praying for us, we want to say a huge thank you! Your prayers carried us through each day of the week, and now we are safely back in Tokyo after an amazing time in Tohoku. Here's an overview of how the trip went. In each location, we prayed over the city from a high viewpoint and met with pastors who are already working there. This helped us have an idea of how God is working in Tohoku, and how YWAM can help serve there long-term! Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture Our first stop was the most populous city in the region. We spent 3 nights there staying at a church and we were able to meet a young pastor who founded a ministry which is still serving in the disaster-hit areas, while also partnering with various churches. During our visit, a group of local pastors was having a meeting in the next room a...